Programming & Level Designing Tower Offensive, Pt 6 After GGC


So GGC is over and it’s just the post mortem left for me before I start my summer courses. So this post is going to be the last one for the Big game project course, If you want to keep track of our work during the summer I would recommend our website, It will be updated regularly about our work (probably more often than this blog). So check it out!

During GGC we got a lot of feedback from a lot of different people, It was great , most of it positive  and tips on how to improve the game. That is just what we are going to do, as soon as everyone in the team has written their post mortem and had a few days of rest we are going to improve the game and add more content to it. One of the first things we are going to iterate on is the GUI, We have finally decided to just focus on tablets (and hopefully find a way to get it to feel good on smartphones too) instead of having a ”universal” GUI for both PC and tablet. So I get to change the GUI again and I don’t have to think of how it would be on a PC so I can change it into how I wanted it now 😀  I’m very eager to start working again and hope I get time to do it soon.